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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Melanie's School

Myrna wrote to Melanie: What school are you going to? Is there a way to do distance learning and still teach a class to a roomful of adults? I think education today is wonderful. Or rather, technology allows it to be wonderful. Teachers were always great it was just getting the teacher to the student. When Grandma Smith was taking classes, the last few years, the U sent teachers to Carbon to teach certain lane change classes. She was a BYU grad. Melanie wrote: I am attending BYU Idaho online. BYU changed their online requirements a few years ago, and I was a few credits shy of being able to take online classes through them. After I do a few semesters through Idaho, I can then transfer to Provo. I am currently pursuing a degree in Rehabilitation therapy...similar to the job I did at Mary Ann Morse Nursing/Rehabilitation Center. I will be able to do quite a few classes online, then I will need to actually live in Provo for a Summer or whatever, and do some on campus classes. We have satellite classes at certain locations throughout the world. Our satellite class is in Denton Township, which is about half an hour from here. We meet at the Stake Center there. We have Education Missionaries that staff and facilitate the lessons. We are given the lesson assignment, then have opportunities to teach the lessons to the class. Actually, we are required to teach to the class. It's been fun, but it takes a lot of time. Mel Myrna wrote: Our hats are off to you! It does take a lot of time and a lot of effort. You were good at your job and this will make you even better. Love you!

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