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Saturday, February 26, 2005

Bookkeeper Grandpa Ray

 Dear Myrna,

I had had that picture you called Claude and ?? - but I had thought it was Ray. I put it as Ray in the Smith FamilyHistoryCD - but I'm glad you knew who it was. Did it say on it?

You sent a picture of a CCC Camp. How did that figure in the story?

Thanks for all your help.

That picture of the group with the flag must have been taken when they signed up because the clothes of Claude and Ray are identical.

Donnette Smith

Myrna wrote: Grandpa Ray was the bookkeeper and the storekeeper at the CCC camp. That happened years after the Mexican/American War. In fact, that was after he had owned his own butcher shop in Huntington. He became ill and decided that he would train as a bookkeeper. He stayed with Fred and Pearle for a time and went to school. When he finished, he went to work as the bookkeeper at the CCC camp. He could add, so I was told, a long list of figures by moving his finger down the line arriving at the total, in his mind, when he reached the bottom of the line. He would then move up the line in the same way, checking his accuracy of the first time. He was always the same. Love, Myrna

About the story, "Grandma's Forks"

From Kimiann Pitts:

Hi, Myrna!
This story (Grandma's Forks) is so wonderful....thanks so much!
Did it come from "Guideposts"?  ( magazine)
My Grandma used to read them and had a subscription just for me sent to my house as I was growing up.  ( My Mom's mom, Delpha)
 Even after she died, I still got the magazine for quite some time.  It was like she was still there with me............*sigh*
Thanks again!
Love, Kim

From Myrna:

It did. Did you know that they have a monthly newsletter they will send you on-line for free? M
