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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Comments on Cakes

 Melanie wrote: Pumpkin Molasses Cake--I need to make something for a friend, I think this will be the recipe. Thanks Mom!

 Kirsten wrote: I think you are officially craving sugar. :)  Love all the cake recipes!  Love you too! XOXOXO, Kirsten

Myrna wrote: AnnMarie needed a cake recipe for a couple she needs to make for a funeral. I typed in the ones she asked for and then decided to send them to all of you. You are right, I would like a big piece. BUT I am not going to have any. I have lost 25 pounds! Love you!Myrna wrote: I love this cake Pumpkin Molasses Cake. I love anything with pumpkin in it. Got any ideas for people who can't have sugar? Nothing else makes a tender cake but sugar. Oh, well.

Melanie wrote: In Aunt Ava's Buttermilk Spice Cake--Do you have to use Crisco? Can oil be substituted?

Myrna wrote: I haven't used Crisco since you were a little girl. I use either butter, if I'm taking it somewhere, or cooking oil. Don't use olive oil though, because it makes it have an off-flavor.

Melanie wrote: I have been using half brown sugar and half splenda. It makes cookies a little crunchie, but I don't mind so much. Have you ordered the Diabetic Living magazine? They have some great recipes in each issue. I subscribe as well. They have a great web site, it out. 
Have you checked Walmart for the sugar free cake and brownie mixes? I believe that Duncan Hines makes them.
Love you!

Myrna wrote: I am not allowed to use Sucralose (also known as Splenda). My endocrinologist, in Provo, said it is as bad for a diabetic as sugar. The worst sugar, of course, is high fructose corn syrup and it is in everything. I read a lot of labels. 

I did order the magazine and there are some things I can use and some I cannot. They are a bit more liberal than my doctor. But then I am trying to control my diabetes with diet and exercise. Kimberly uses insulin. If you take meds, then your diet is easier. Tonight, I baked apples for Dad and I and I just used spice and no sugar. Our apples are quite sweet tasting and we were both satisfied. I did offer to get out sugar for him but he didn't want it. 

But as for cookies and cakes, I can only use one kind of stevia (not truvia) and that does not work so well for baking. Agave is also out. I cannot use aspartame. I also have the problem of no white flour, white rice, white potatoes, corn, cornmeal, etc. The whole wheat flour has to be WHOLE grain whole wheat flour. It is interesting learning to eat this way. Mostly I am happy but, unless people just go about their lives (I can always find food I can eat--salads, vegetables.), my diet can make things difficult. Jim went on the same diet I am on because he has diabetics in his family. He has lost even more weight than I have and he, like me, feels much better than he was feeling. Julie made some great pie crust with oatmeal flour she ground. I can also not use soybean (because of thyroid problems) or corn oil. 

They gave me a little card, when I got my meter, that had the site on it. They also gave me a couple of other sites to check out. 

I did make the raisin-filled cookies for the hunt and I just didn't eat any. That was OK. I didn't even care. I didn't even lick my fingers when I was cooking which is a new first. (Ugh! Really, I washed after I licked and before I continued baking.)

My blood sugar is still all over the place. It can be low--88--one day and high--127--the next. It seems to me that the days when I drop a couple of pounds are the days when it is higher. I have an appointment on Monday and that is the question I am going to ask (100 is normal). I eat a LOT of fish because that helps more than anything, including exercise. I don't really like fish but I will keep trying. I tell Dad that my Danish ancestors were not fishermen they were farmers. ;)

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