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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

We all have fun

Gordon Smith wrote: My computer has been down for four days.  I had to install a new modem, and program.  After I got it working again. I sent an email to many people about Corning glass.  I was having trouble with the new program, and it would not send that email.  I continued to work with it, and continued to try  to send that email.  Finally my program said it had an outgoing email in my outgoing box.  It asked if I wanted it to be sent.  I said, “Yes.”  It then sent it out.  However, it apparently sent it for each time I had tried to send it.  You may have received it six, or more, times.  I am sorry about that.

It is a neat article about what is coming in the future.  I hope you enjoyed it.

If I didn’t send it to you, and you want to see it, let me know and I will send it.

Myrna wrote: It was worth it! Thanks for sending.

New Word

I learned a new word today: 1.  synopposism: A word or phrase whose logical opposite is actually a synonym. The term "inside-out" is a synopposism. The logical opposite of "INside OUT" would be "OUTside IN". However, they both describe the same condition.
