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Monday, November 10, 2008

Mom has a question

David is moving. Julie is moving. I am wondering why Julie and David have decided to do everything they do in pairs. Their youngest babies were both born in June and now they are both moving in November. Is this a trend? Of course, both of the trends have been something to celebrate. So I think that congratulations are in order.

It will be nice to have David closer. He will be about two hours away from Kirsten and about the same amount of time away from his father-in-law. He will be six hours away from us. That is a much better traveling distance from the Old Folks at Home and I am still doing the happy dance over it. The DRT family is also happy that they will be back in the mountains. However, I think they picked some mountains where it really snows. Most people really love snow and that is why there is skiing in Gunnison. There are also lots of places to go fishing.

As for Julie, she is getting out of her cramped apartment into a house. It is a manufactured house that belongs to the Osmonds. This Osmond is the son of Merrill. Yes, he does sing. He is part of the group, the Second Generation. He and his wife bought the house as an investment and they asked Jim if he and Julie would like to rent it. Of course they said they would. It is really close to the bee barn. In fact, it is about a block away. Jim can actually walk home for lunch. They will not be able to start building their house until next summer.
