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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Else and Erling

Thank you for making the effort to visit with us. It was much appreciated. It was good to see you both once again. It was also good to meet your friends.
Trauntvein said to tell you that he apologizes for not having you bear your testimony, in Danish, to our ward members in Sunday School class. He thinks that would have been great, especially since it was Fast Sunday.

We love you! M

Else wrote: You do not have to thank us for visit you, we are just sorry that it did not work out better, so we would have had more time to sit down and visit. And Trauntwein should not apologize for not having me bear my testimony in Danish, That would really have made me imbarest me. I am glad that we were at list able to say hi to you. We had a very nice tour and saw a lot of our, good friends. I was also able to go and see my old missionpres. vife, That was very nice. And all my old missionary compagnions. It was so nice. But it was hart to plan, since we are not able to drive ourselves, and we did not know if there was busses going around. I Wrote to elder brown one of the missionaries I worked with in Århus when I was on my mission, but he was also back with his wife on a mission, and had just come home from a mission in China. I wrote and asked if he could tell us if there were busses to st. George, and he wrote back, that it was so lucky that he and his wife were going to Ceder City, and on Saturday he was going to be in triathlon in St George, so we arrange it so Linda and her husband picked us up in Ceder City and delivered us there Monday morning, Then sis and ældste  Petersen said they would take us down san Pete County, but we really did not know when, and we had a hard time getting in contact with them. We were also going to se a Danish couple in Gunnison, that we did not get to see, because they were in Salt Lake, when we were down there. But Strates were happy, because it gave some more time with them. I did not know you were working 2 days at the temple, if we hat just known that, we could have met you there. But that is life. You will have to come and visit here. Then you can also get to see sis Jensen. She is real happy to here from you, and we are also mailing to each other after we   found out that we both know you.

Love Else and Erling
