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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Donnette Smith and Myrna Work to Share Photos With BYU

Dear Myrna,

I hate to have you send anymore pictures today or this address will be shut down, too. But I think having the ?? in the name of Claude's picture has stopped the picture from being opened here. Could you send it without the question marks.


I had had that picture you called Claude and ?? - but I had thought it was Ray. I put it as Ray in the Smith FamilyHistoryCD - but I'm glad you knew who it was. Did it say on it? (Note from Myrna--yes, on the back.)
You sent a picture of a CCC Camp. How did that figure in the story? Thanks for all your help. That picture of the group with the flag must have been taken when they signed up because the clothes of Claude and Ray are identical.
In the picture - Smiths in cavalry - the men in two rows in front of a tent. Is Ray 4th from right in front?

