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Monday, April 29, 2013

Can you help with your memories?

From Myrna:
David Dear, 
I will keep sending you updates. I would still be interested in the images you have stored away. Maybe we can piece some things together. Why I didn't write things down back when there were still people I could have asked (like your mom), I do not know. Jot down those stories for me, please. I have spent my life planning on "tomorrow" and have realized that I am getting old enough that I do not have so many of those left. I love you.

 I wish there was something that I could really help you with.  I remember talking with mom about names in pictures, and stories, and I always thought (then) that I would remember, and even if I didn't, I could always ask mom again - or Garth or Richard. Obviously, not such a good plan.  If I could go back in time, I would write it down.  Since I received your email, I've been trying to think of any and all memories that might be interesting.  What I seem to have is an awful lot of images and snapshots in time, but no real stories with reference points.  
 I'm sorry, I wish I could be of more help.  I do want to read the history when you are finished. :)

 Love you, Dave

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