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Monday, April 29, 2013

Additions to Missionaries

Ben, please let me know if you got your birthday money. I may have not enclosed the money, in spite of my saying that I had.

We are proud of you, Ben and Michael, our two missionary grandsons, who are serving. 

Reading those letters each week is such a great blessing to us. We print them off and read the hard copies and then save them in a binder. It will be something to have when we are old. (Oh, wait, we are old.) They will be read and re-read. 

Michael, you have such a good spirit and we so enjoy your cheery outlook on your mission. We love you and we are proud of you. You are doing a good job. We will keep praying for you and your companion to meet with continued success.

Ben, we are proud of the hard work you put in each week. We love you and we are proud of you. You are doing a good job. We will keep praying for you and your companion to meet with continued success.

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