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Monday, January 14, 2013

Calleen Powell was one of my bridesmaids

Myrna wrote Tyrone Powell to ask about Calleen Powell.

I am wondering if you know where Calleen Powell (married name?) is. I lost track of her years ago. Can you tell me about Calleen? I wanted to get in touch with her again. I was one of her bridesmaids and she was one of mine. She had suffered polo as a child, and had a withered leg, but became a wonderful nurse. We were in the same ward but she was a bit older. We actually became good friends when I fell down a flight of stars and injured myself. She was my nurse at the hospital and we became close after that. At any rate, I have been thinking of her and would like to get in touch but it has been so many years. Somehow, when I was a young mother and had a passel of kids, I didn't manage to keep up with my friends very well. I would like to make amends.

Powell was her maiden name and I cannot seem to remember her married name. She was a nurse and had had polio. She had one leg that was thinner than the other because of the disease. We were good friends though she was older than I was by a couple of years. Her family lived just off Carbon Ave. on the street where Mabbitt's old store was--that corner. It goes west. Rats. I can't think what it is. I'll have to Google a map. I'll have to let you know. Sorry. I guess I should just do all that and then send this but, just maybe, you can figure out what I am talking about. Their house would have faced east on that street. I know, I know. I am talking to a Powell who had/has a hundred relatives in Price.

Tyrone wrote: What is  her husband’s  name?

Myrna wrote: It is too late to worry. I found that she had passed away in 2005, so I waited a little too long to try to get in touch.

She was such a spunky girl and, even though her leg was a problem, I never heard her complain. She came to my home and I went to hers. We went to the same ward. I had asked her to be my maid of honor, but, the night of the reception, my grandmother had not understood that and, while I was getting ready, lined them up differently. I just let it go. Calleen never did say anything about it and neither did I. I did help her plan her wedding, which was after mine. I helped her pick out my dress and made it for myself. Her marriage was not a temple wedding and we held it at the ward. I marched up the isle with her. She was so hopeful that she would convert her husband. She moved to Kansas, I think. We sent cards back and forth for a bit but then we just stopped. I know where all of the other bridesmaids are and have kept in on again/off again touch. Oh, well, too little to late for this friendship.

Note to the young: keep in touch while you can.

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