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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fruits for Diabetics

AnnMarie wrote: Fruits also have sugar, so they are not a "free food" like lettuce or zucchini, but they are still a good choice. Fortunately, the sugars are bound up in the fibers so it takes them longer to absorb. If you eat a lot of fruit, eat some almonds with them and it will slow everything down. The real trick is to do anything to slow down the sugar hitting your blood stream. If it goes in slowly, your body can keep up. So whole foods digest slower because the body has to break them out into proteins, carbs, or fats before it starts absorbing them. Almonds have both protein and fats so they slow things down. Fat foods aren't a problem for your blood sugar, they are bad for your heart and your arteries - so the Mexican food wasn't bad for your blood sugar. Really it is carbs that are bad for you - white bread, sugars and sweets, potatoes, pancakes, etc. You can have old fashioned rolled oats with some nuts sprinkled on top and a few berries and be fine. Your blood sugar isn't that high yet. I'm sure they are wanting to help you help your body by not overburdening it now so it does't steadily decrease in ability to handle blood sugars. Some of those glycemic books are deceiving, they have Snickers as a low glycemic food because it has proteins and such, but it is really bad for you. So beware. The problem with sugar is that it doesn't take any steps for the body to convert it to sugar before it hits your blood stream. It is immediate. You want to introduce as many steps as possible between consumption and absorption to help your body be ready for the sugar. Myrna wrote: I should skip the class and just talk to you and Kirsten. (I know, you said to take the class so I will.) Thanks for all of your help. I love you, Mom

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