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Monday, September 5, 2005

Preschoolers learn about language by listening and talking.

Start a conversation with your child by asking a question that has no right or wrong answer: "What did you think when you saw the tall tower you built?"

Help your child become a creative thinker by asking, "Suppose that..." "What do you think...""What if..."

Encourage your child to talk with older and younger family members. A child who has lots of opportunities to talk will learn how to put ideas into words.

Help your child choose a few special television shows that are just right for children of the same age and interests. 

Watch with your child and talk about what you see and hear. "Are those lions like the ones at the zoo?" 

Ask questions to find out what the child is learning. "Does our familydo things like the family in the show? How are we different?"

Use television wisely. At family mealtimes, talk and enjoy each other's company. Make a list of things your child can do instead of watching television, such as looking at books, playing with brothers and sisters or drawing pictures.

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