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Monday, September 5, 2005

The Butcher, The Baker, and the Mammograph Taker

Amy had surgery on her sinus once again. The growth grew back after the first surgery and she was starting to get awful headaches once again. In addition, she decided to let the doctor’s remove her tonsils. She has had quite a sorethroat and has had difficulty talking. She said, however, that she has lost some pounds so it can’t be all bad. Amy so enjoys making cards that she is going to be one of those who help demonstrate how to do it (in her spare [?] time).

Eric took two weeks off of work on a medical leave so that he could take care of Amy. At first, he was giving her meds every four hours but, as Amy got feeling better, he worked on the basement once again. He has been working to get all of the electric wiring and installation done so that the work could be inspected. Then it is on to insulation and the sheet rock and the actual finishing of the rooms. The boys will move downstairs into their own rooms once the work is done. There will also be a workroom for Amy to do her crafts, scrap booking and card-making. He did take time off to camp overnight with the kids. Amy came up the first day but didn’t stay overnight because she still wasn’t feeling good.

Jason, David and Madilyn started school the end of August. Maddie is excited to be in school. Last Spring she tested in the top of the new kindergarten group to-be. She is happy to be at school but is still a little concerned because she can’t find her classroom without help. All students at the school go to a central spot in the morning where they can do homework, if needed, and congregate until it is time for school to begin. She has help, of course, getting to class from there but she was worried and told Eric that she wanted to figure out how to find her class.

David likes his teacher and school. He also liked playing with his cousins this summer. He liked dressing up in the many costumes the boys devised (Star Wars heroes, mostly) and having sword fights. He also had a great time playing with Megan. He had a fun summer and was especially happy to be baptized and that so many family members came to be part of this special time. He enjoyed camp, the running through the bushes, sleeping in the tent and having a good time. He really liked the Smores.

Jason likes school and really likes his teacher. However, his luck on the playground has not been all that great. He is sporting two casts—one on each arm. He fell from the tricky-bars just at the end of recess. He landed in such a way that he broke his right arm. Amy took him to her hospital so she could be the x-ray tech for him. His arm was broken so badly, just above the wrist that he had to be given anesthetic in order to have it set and cast. Then, after Labor Day, it was discovered that his left arm was also broken and needed to be cast. He celebrated his tenth birthday on Monday, September 5. Part of the day was spent up the canyon on the family campout. Then the family went home for the traditional birthday cake, etc.

A.J. won’t start kindergarten for two more years. He still gets to visit Grammy and Gramps on Wednesday and Thursday while Amy works. He is getting tall (for his age) and loves being active. He is happiest when he is outside and likes to do all sorts of things like ride bikes, play on the swings and just run around. He also thinks cold cereal straight from the box is a treat.

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