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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Runnin’ Utes

Maybe her mom’s fear of spiders is rubbing off on Sorina. She recently handed her Dad a baseball bat to “get” the two spiders crawling on our ceiling. Which is actually better than Toren’s no fear of spiders. He liked to catch them (like his Dad), and only when a red spider attached itself to his finger was a rethink in order. Then he told everyone he had “Spidey powers.” Potty training is not going so well. I was so hopeful, but I keep having to run out and get more diapers. I say every time, “this is the last bag”, but maybe it’s just wishful thinking. Late June update, we have potty training success—most of the time. Dad also hung a couple of new swings from the front tree, one from a fairly high branch. Sorina loves to swing. If no one will push her, she simply lays in the swing and pushes herself. 

Toren’s fascination with bugs is sometimes not a good thing. He has been catching bees this spring/summer in jars. I tried to tell him it was not a good idea.! But what does Mom know?! Only that bee’s have stingers and sometimes they sting. (I’m pretty sure that Jim will back me up on this one.) He found that out today as he was trying to be so helpful to the bee and get it out of the water. Let’s just say the bee was not thankful, he died anyway, and Toren is on the couch in a benedryl-induced sleep. Toren is still waiting for his two front teeth go grow back in—maybe for Christmas! Toren played t-ball, which he found somewhat boring. They use
some 16-20 players, so unless you get the infield, there is not much action. At least he enjoys hitting, but prefers to go to the batting cages and try to hit moving balls instead. 

The questions are always coming, and sometimes interesting theories. Have you ever wondered how (or why for that matter) wedding favors are made and put into that netting material? After we went to a reception recently, Dane’s theory was that some unused netting material left over from the bride’s wedding dress was used for wedding favor netting (cashews and butter-mints in this case). His Dad suggested they had possibly used old nylons (unused or washed, of course). Dane seemed to feel that the little treats lost some of their sentimentality when his Dad said they had actually just bought the netting to make the favors. Dane finished the baseball season with a 7 and 3 record, not quite in the playoffs, but a great season nonetheless. !Dane, Dane, Dane.! When I have Cub Scouts at our house, it is not a good time to use a magnifying glass to catch the flower blossoms on fire (successfully). Mom was not happy; however, the Scouts thought it was great!! Dane participated in his first piano recital and did a great job. Dane also enjoyed staying overnight for his Webelo’s camp, at Camp Kiesel.

Brigitta headed off to Girl’s Camp this week. I am going to miss her a lot. She helps out a bunch with kids and errands. Brigitta just got home from Camp. Unfortunately, she was sick a lot of the time. We were afraid she went sick, as Toren and Mom caught some sort of virus while she was gone and she wasn’t feeling great when she left. All of the leaders and her friends thought she was quite a “camper” to stick it out and participate and put in an effort consistently (but no one said she was a “happy camper”). Brigitta did a great job at her piano recital, hardly seemed nervous at all.  I  (Brigitta) just became the Beehive President in Young Women’s! How exciting! Of course Dad said that since I am President of the Beehives, maybe Jim could use me to oversee his queens – lame huh.

Shawn and Kimberly
Shawn spent our anniversary with the Deacons and I spent it with Wolfs and Bears. I think we need a night out. Well, we finally went on a date tonight!! We went to Batman Begins. (Shawn has seen more movies in the last month, then he has seen in the last year—Star Wars, Cinderella Man, Madagascar (unfortunately) and Batman Begins.)! Our little Mazda was quite happy to be treated as the “Batmobile” on the way home. I was hoping that everyone had just come from the movie, so they would understand why my man exceeded the speed limit, swerved in and out of traffic and came to a shuddering halt at red lights. (Kimberly is exaggerating, I had bought some gas and it must have been higher octane because the car was a little more peppy than usual). And this is not justification for anyone, as I still did not go more than 8 mph over the speed limit.

We attended Michael’s Deacon ordination on Sunday. It was fun to spend time with family. We are so excited for Todd’s Family and new the addition expected in December. We also spent the 12th with Kimberly’s family in Kaysville for her Dad’s birthday/Father’s Day.! We got to play on the new deck, admire the beautiful yard that is coming along—thanks to Sandy, Dad’s sister, and play in the new Jacuzzi. Dane and Toren have asked every day if we can go back up to play in the Jacuzzi.! We also have a pool pass at the new Clearfield Pool this year and the kids are having a great time at the pool. Any of you who still have phobias concerning Salt Lake City will find vindication in the next story. Shawn met me at work to bring Toren and Sorina home while I met with my 9th new manger in 6 years. Toren talked Shawn into stopping at a park on the way home. The nearest “safe” one being in the Avenues. In a few minutes Toren brought Shawn a lighter and then Shawn saw Sorina pick up something else by the slide.

A good friend of Kimberly’s family died this morning, Ed Tostanoski.! Brigitta was going to go so San Francisco this weekend with Wilson Grandparents to visit, as Ed has not been doing well, but plans were changed. You may all remember them from our wedding reception in their SF home. Mary is suffering from the first stages of Alzheimer’s; your prayers would be much appreciated. They had been married over sixty years.

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