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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Boltons and Waites En Mass

Melanie and Kirsten and families spent the last two weeks together touring Massachusetts, Main, New York and anywhere else they could think of that was nearby. They even visited Uncle Don and Aunt Thelma in their trailer home away from home. They were treated to rice crispy treats and punch. Uncle Don and Aunt Thelma are seeing more of the extended LHT family than they do when they are in Utah. 

Braden is the one exception to the touring company. He is in Utah visiting his Grandparents (Who are glad to have him and his cheerful personality in their house!), taking in EFY (Especially for Youth) at BYU. He helped Grandpa one afternoon as he worked to get the house ready for paint, visited with cousins and Aunts and Uncles. His hope is that the fishing trip he and Gramps are planning doesn’t get rained out. He will also go to the Ute Stampede on Saturday as Grammy’s helper.

Howard is the other exception to the Waite and Bolton tour. He is in Singapore.

Siovhan is working for her father’s company and is raking in the big bucks (that’s dollars and not deer or guys). It will, all too soon, be time for school to start and then it is back to Utah.

So, our ex-Stake President gave a talk today in Sacrament Meeting. It was of course on the subject of Father's Day. During his talk he made the mention of how sometimes in parenting that one spouse teaches in a different way than the other. He told us of a young woman who went to her mother and asked her mother, "What qualities should I look for in a spouse." To which the mother then replied, "Go ask you father, he did a better job at it than I did."

Kirsten and Jared are planning to visit Utah in August. Kirsten wants to be in Utah when AnnMarie has her baby. Lucky for her, Jared has a conference in Provo at that time.

The Bolton family is finally in the age of high speed Internet instead of dial-up. We have two new addresses: Bolton family information can be sent to:; Hope to hear from you soon. We will have the AOL account open for a few more weeks, but after that, it will only be Comcast.

The only day that the airline could offer us for Braden’s flight was the 4th. He will be at EFY from the 11th to the 16th. On the 16th he will need someone to pick him up at BYU, then he will be with you until the 28th. He hates being in Massachusetts, and I figure that he will be okay being back here after he has been away for a little while--absence makes the heart grow fonder. Braden graduated from the eighth grade. It was an interesting program. It was in the eighties, and we had the ceremony in the gymnasium at the Middle School. For some reason, they turned the fans off when the ceremony started.

Braden’s flight information.
Departure: SALT LAKE CITY 11:55 AM
Arrival: DALLAS FT WORTH 3:29 PM
Departure: DALLAS FT WORTH 5:02 PM
Arrival: BOSTON 9:35 PM

In response to a lesson that I was trying to teach the children in the car yesterday, I learned that wisdom comes in many different guises. I had told the children that Jesus had told us that we should have Him etched in the fleshy tables of our heart, because He had us etched in his flesh. Mikaela responded: "I don't just have Him on the table, but He is on the shelf, on my bed and all over in my room in my heart." I couldn't top that.

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