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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Buzz’n Joneses

It sure has been a speedy month. I’m not sure, but I believe that Einstein was right about time being relative. It seems that when I was young, time went so slowly, but the older I get the quicker time passes. At this rate, I feel like within a year’s time (relative to me) I will be a grandma and have gray hair. Gone are the days when I used to count down the years before I could get a driver’s license. The odd thing is that Jim and I graduated from high school fourteen years ago. Oh well.

Mary is still growing like a weed. She had her first Daddy-daughter night on the 21st of June. I got to spend the night on the mountain with the fourth year girls at girls’ camp. He and Mary stayed behind. They had a great time together. It was a good thing that he stayed behind as Mary came down with an ear infection that night. They lost a couple of hours of sleep in the middle of the night, other than that they both faired very well. As a matter of fact, when I got home at ten o’clock the next morning, Jim had fixed the garbage disposal, mopped the kitchen floor, and vacuumed the front room. What a wonder! We now have a full-blown walker on our hands. She enjoys being able to do things on her own steam. We enjoy it too. She is a lot of fun. Mary is now the proud owner of four teeth. She got her bottom two teeth in May, and now she has sprouted her two upper eyeteeth. It appears that she is out to show us that things can be done in more than one way.

As a family we spent the fourth of July weekend in Idaho for the first ever Jones Family (Jim’s siblings and parents) reunion. It was a lot of fun, but we were both glad to return to our very own .2 acres here in Nephi. We also like doing things on our own steam. (So you didn’t know where Mary got that from?)

We have included some pictures of fun things that have happened in our family. The first is of Mary in the swing that Shawn and Kim gave us. She loves it. Another is of the hailstorm we had two weeks ago. It hailed marble-sized hail for five to ten minutes. It pretty well killed our spinach, and put holes in the leaves of everything else. The last picture is of Mary and I going down the slide in Ft. Green. When Jim moves bees, we meet him at the park in Ft. Green and have a picnic dinner. Mary loves it! You guessed it, we love it too!

We hope that you all have a wonderful month.
We love you all.

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