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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I can't find the sheet.

I cannot find the sheet I had made for the initiatory. Granted, I have not had a lot of time to try and find the file but I did try. My problem is that my daughter, Julie, the one who was four months pregnant lost the baby. The baby died inside her and we had to go through all of that emergency. I have had her kids, upset and worried, and I am going back to Sanpete today to take them back and to take care of her Wednesday and Thursday. I am sorry to let you all down. She is age 40 and this may be her last opportunity to have another child. She has large cysts on one ovary and there is a concern that it may be cancer. We have been fasting, as a family, and she had a blessing. At any rate, I have to disappoint you.

Cheryl Utley wrote: Sorry to hear about your daughter, not to worry about the sheet. Take care of your concerns.  Love Cheryl
Annette Morley wrote:
Dear Myrna.
So sorry to hear of the problems you are having with your daughter.  I don't know about the sheet you are missing, but I'm sure all will go well on Friday--or as well as it usually goes.  My prayers are with you all.  Love, Annette

Ann Carter wrote: Myrna,
So sorry to hear about your daughter.  We will keep your family in our prayers.

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