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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snowman Cartoon

Melanie found a cartoon, in color, that shows a child snowman with a yellow lower half. The mom said to the snowchild that she had thought the child had gone to the restroom before leaving. It was great and she sent it to Siovhan with the following comment, "I thought you would love this. You know my humor..." Siovhan Bolton baaaaaahahahahahahah reminds me of a few capri sun filled marathon drives. Myrna Trauntvein It reminds me of a little girl who used to sing at the top of her lungs because she needed to "go" and we had just left her house. Hehehehe. Siovhan Bolton hahaha i can believe that, especially because if we're honest that little girl sang at the top of her lungs 95% of the time. the other 5% she was asleep (between midnight and 5am). Myrna Trauntvein I had no problem with the midnight. It was a good thing that you had a grandpa for the 5 a.m. part.

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