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Saturday, December 15, 2012

About Program

I'm sorry that I invited you to the Christmas Relief Society program held in our stake. 

I could tell, by their sobbing, that some of the sisters found the program very touching. Judging from their crying throughout, I thought that they were active participants emotionally, sitting there in the dark with hands on laps turned upward so that we each could feel as items, such as the coarse linen, were placed in our hands. Our ears could hear the sounds from the music and narration but I really am a visual learner and it was not as appealing to me as it could have been had my eyes been allowed to see.

I noted that none of us cried. I know that neither of you like the "touchy-feely" sort of program any more than I do. In addition to that, there were some parts that bothered me, like wearing a blindfold for 75 minutes and having babies cry because of the dark and having to have their feet touched. I know that we were to touch the small baby feet and think of the birth of our Savior as though we were at the stable but I did not think the point was worth having a baby be the representative.

I also do not know if Satan tempted Jesus in the period of time that Heavenly Father left him alone on the cross so I did not like the song that was sung during that period. I do not think that music from "Jesus Christ, Superstar" was as appropriate as words from a more sacred work might have been. For example, I think I may have liked something from the "Messiah" much better.

I value the Savior, His life and His sacrifice, but I prefer more visual programs than the one we attended. 

I just wanted you both to know that I was not as sold on the program, after seeing it, as Annette Lovell was, prior to the program, when she was telling us that it would change us for the better. At any rate, I wanted you to know what I thought. 

You have such busy lives and made time to go to the program with me simply because I am your mother and I invited you. We went early, another sacrifice for each of you on a busy day during December, so that we could gain entrance and would not be turned away since there were a set number of seats available. That took even more of your precious time.

Dad said I should probably appreciate the work someone had put into the program but I found it a bit maudlin (effusively or insincerely emotional). Perhaps you both loved it and were glad I invited you. If so, just ignore this.

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