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Monday, August 6, 2012

So glad to hear from you!‏

Thank you for the snail mail and for the email. That was quite a treat. Two pieces of correspondence in the same week.  ¡Qué bien!

In the a.m., we are flying to Ohio to be with Michael and family. He is going to the temple on Tuesday to receive his endowments. He has asked Gramps to be his escort because the friend that he helped convert and baptize is also going on a mission. He will be receiving his endowments the same day on the same session and Todd will be his guide. I pray that all goes well. Trust me, I have made certain that he has his temple recommend. 

It is so wonderful that my two missionary grandsons will be in California on missions at the same time. I was talking to a 10-year old boy who was visiting our ward today. He said that there are a lot of hispanics that live within the boundaries of his ward. Those are the ones who speak English, of course, but there are a couple of hispanic wards that meet in the chapel. He said that the area is full of apartments and they are fairly inexpensive--$700 per month, furnished-- and that is why there are so many hispanics in the area. Your work is cut out for you. I am certain that Heavenly Father is sending them here to the U.S. to hear the gospel in fulfillment of the promise of the Book of Mormon.

It certainly seemed different in our ward this morning with a new bishop at the podium. He has decided not to have the youth continue with the tradition of offering one of the Articles of Faith when they receive any promotion (Primary to YW or Priesthood) or any advancements. Part of that tradition was that the youth could then call on any of the bishopric to present an Article of Faith. The new bishop's second counselor had said that he was so shy that just taking a turn at the podium without having to worry about whether one of the youth would call on him was strain enough. We will see what happens. Some of the youth would like the tradition to continue.

We fasted for Uncle Eric, Uncle Todd, Uncle David, Nanci, your mom and our missionaries (you and Michael). It was quite a long list. It is a good thing that I have you all on the prayer roll at the temple. I am not certain what your mom's planned line of study is. I just know that she is happy about going back to school. Auntie Bree is also going back to school in a couple of weeks. She wants to be an RN. I suppose she has spent enough time in hospitals that she thinks she can help others as she has been helped.

Erin loved going to girl's camp with Auntie AnnMarie and Megan. The Howards bought her a new triple combination with her name on it. She was very thrilled and has been reading faithfully. Donovin is going to Scouts with a good LDS friend. That is a great thing. He is also going to church with him. He even has his parent's permission. I keep fasting and praying that Heavenly Father will help them all to want to be part of his church. Caydin will only remember that Grammy makes him sit on her lap when he gets loud and noisy. Being in Junior Primary with him is quite an adventure. We have a mentally disabled boy in Primary who just wanders around and does not do anything he is asked to do but, at least, he likes being there. He stands up and leads the music sort of getting in the way of the called music leader. He wants to talk from the podium and has to be moved away quite often. He wanders in and out of the room and tries to play the piano. Then the little three and four year olds (there are 10 boys and one girl) think they should do the same thing. I made Caydin stop doing the wandering thing and sit on my lap. The joy of having a mean Grammy.

Our next-door neighbor just had a baby boy. They now have three children--two girls and a boy. Rachel's little playmate is the oldest of their girls.

Julie has been at the Jones family reunion this past week. She will be back on Monday. Kirsten was in Utah for the Waite family reunion. We went to the play at Sundance with the Waites, all of them. It was fun. Of course, we had Matthew, Rachel, Donovin and Caydin here for the four days of camp. We took them swimming (the new splash pad opened) for two afternoons, took them camping overnight, had a video and popcorn night (we promised them a move at the theater but they didn't want to see any of them), went to the candy store and went for hikes and 4-wheeling. I hope they had fun. I think we wore them out. Wait, I wore me out.

We will continue to pray for your success. We do love you.

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