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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Amy Gordon About The Perimenopause Article

Amy G wrote:

Thanks for sending this Myrna! (The article, "Perimenopause weight gain — causes and solutions.") So much of this info is so true.  I never realized what was going on with my danged weight gain (about 15 pounds) in the past few years (which I knew had something to do with my age, 39, or perimenopause, but didn't know how to change it) until I joined Kirsten's health challenge last fall.  I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and I hardly ever exercised.  Not anymore, lol!  When I finally got off my behind and exercised (really broke a good sweat) regularly, ate more natural foods and less highly processed foods did I start to notice a difference in how I felt and looked.  Diets don't work for me, plain and simple.  I needed to change how I lived and what I was putting into my body.  We really never ate out all that much, but we did have plenty of snacks around the house to compensate.  :)  When I started making sure that over 90% of what I ate was either in their natural state (fruits, salads, protein) or homemade (breads, meals and the occasional cookie or cake) without all the processed junk and preservatives I felt SO much better!  I actually do not like fast food anymore.  I avoid the drive thru if at all possible because when I do eat that stuff, I feel like crap (pardon the word) afterwards.  I finally realized that I CAN do something about how I feel.  It's not easy and takes more work than any diet out there, but it's been so much better for me in the long run.  I haven't lost a ton, only about 8 pounds, but at least I feel great and know that I'm eating and my family's eating better and exercising more.  I actually crave exercise, water and vegetation now!  So in a nutshell, thank you Kirsten for giving me the opportunity and the excuse to make better choices and quit complaining!  Not that any of you are....I was.  :)

Thanks again for sending this Myrna, if you can't tell, it really hit home for me and helped me understand why I had needed to step it up, and now keep it up.

Love ya all,


Myrna wrote: THANK YOU, Amy!

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