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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

About Eva Jane Whom We Loved

Myrna wrote: Dear Gordon: Thank you so much for letting me know about Eva Jane. I might have missed the obituary because I have been so busy. I will need to talk to Leonard because we work at Manti Temple on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. We will need to see if we can work out our schedule or find a sub and which would be the best day to do that on. He isn't home right now he is babysitting AnnMarie's kids. She had a DUI case to prosecute today and I had county commission meeting to attend.

I so loved Eva Jane. Deloris told me, in her Christmas card, that Eva Jane had had some rough patches but I did not think they were that rough. What happened? (Other than the fact that she was 86.) 

Eva Jane had that same dark coloring that my mother had in the few photos I have of her. For that reason, she always reminded me a bit of my mother or of what she might have looked like if  she had been given the opportunity to age. Aunt Renee, always told me that Mother Elaine was really like Grandma Vivian as far as personality is concerned. Your mom always said that and then added that so was I.

I am having two new grandchildren this year. If I live to be 86, IF, they would only be 16. It is hard to believe. I just don't know where the time has gone.

Gordon wrote: Eva Jane has had dementia for some time.  She also had some other health problems.  She has not been doing very well for some time.

Myrna wrote: We were able to get subs for our Saturday shift at the temple. We will be at the funeral. I am so happy that we can attend. THANK YOU for letting us know early so that we could make arrangements. You are a wonder!

Melanie wrote: I think we all loved Eva Jane. She actually attended a lot of our family gatherings. I am not sure Gordon knew that.  

Myrna wrote: You are probably right, he likely doesn't know. I will tell him that. As you can see, I was nearer in age to some of my mom's cousins than she was. I guess it would be like Siovhan and the new little ones. They are cousins but it is fairly certain that the babies being born will have more in common with her kids.

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