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Monday, October 18, 2010

La Vida es un Ratico

So I was thinking of what it is that I needed to write to you this week and I had a list and everything! However, I conveniently left it in the house when I left to play around for P-Day. Regardless, I want to tell you about some significant experiences that I had this week, especially this weekend.

This week was going to be another interesting week in the life of Elder Bolton. Fighting for souls on the battlefield that is Puerto Cabezas (or Bilwi in Miskitu) and hoping that some of the recent converts in the area would come to church. My comp and I were going around teaching people this week, committing them to living the commandments of our Father in Heaven, and I had some amazing experiences. I was talking to one of my investigators and we were discussing the Sabbath Day, the Sacrament and worthiness. She then asked me if she was worthy of taking the sacrament because she hasn't been baptized and she isn't keeping all of the commandments that we are telling her that she has to keep. I explained to her why she should not be taking the sacrament when she visits the church (if you have questions about that doctrine i'll email you the scripture references). It was so wonderful because I was so wanting to be able to apply to my teaching that which we are learning in our district and zone meetings.

Another amazing experience that I had this week was on Saturday afternoon. My Branch President and I were walking around looking at the size of our area and talking about where our boundaries need to be and some of the people that we needed to go out and visit. Then he got a call from someone from the Mission Presidency and we received a little notification that instantly made me think about one of my investigators. We quickly walked over to his house to explain to him and his wife why it is that they needed to get married and baptized that evening. So I scrambled to get everything thrown together, and thanks to the help of some fellow missionaries we had an amazing last-minute wedding with a baptism on the moon-lit beach. Then they were confirmed on Sunday and thrown into the fray of our branch.

Which brings me to my third story. I was super serious like almost all sunday. My members need to go through a little bit of a refiner's fire, and hopefully I can help lead them in to that furnace! I told the priesthood holders what and how they should change so that the branch might be a successful and powerful ward someday. I was very frank and very direct with the people, but at the same time I was trying to show them the love I have for them and why I want them to be better. Then we had a ward committee meetting and we discussed the bus problem that we have in our area. That was crazy but really helped me realized how much patience that the Lord has blessed me with sometimes. I was so frustrated with how the people were reacting to what I was trying to say to them. Eventually my work will pay off here and the people will understand what it is that I am trying to teach them.

I have had some good chats with my son this week too! And I've taken some more photos with him (mom they're on the PhotoBucket). He and I are growing together so much. I love my zone right now. We are working so hard and trying to be such great missionaries and love the people so much. I just want you all to know how much I love these people here. They are unique and have such wonderful spirits about them. 

I love you all so much too! Never think that I don't love you or miss you all. We will have our glorious reunion soon enough!

Love, Elder Braden D. Bolton

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