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Monday, March 23, 2009

Hey Grandma!

Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 22:08:25 -0600
From Brigitta Rae

Hey I have a blog post you should read. It is a movie review I have pasted it below...tada

If any of you have seen the film "The Boy In Stripped Pajamas", you recognized the upfront characterization lacking depth and motive, the slightly shaky feel during the running scene and the long, tedious building-up-to-the-point. I was ready to write the film off as "A last minute heart throb" until my someone brought something to my attention.

"You know, that's not all that different than what we went through...the pioneers."

And now the movie has become a testament to me of the simple view we should all take of the world. Mind if I endarken you? I feel a rant coming on... Oh heck, it's my blog! I can do as I will.

This is what drives me away from churches, schools, congregations and even countries. The whole, "Well, we're not so different" act. It's not about Jews, Mormons, Germans or even Governments, it's about people. These are humans, just as you and I (I'm sorry we can't include you in this bob...whatever you are.).  I don't care what this movie was meant to say, what point they were trying to get across, but it shone to me as a penlight in fog.

This point is an everlasting struggle between religions, especially the Mormons and the Jews. I have nothing against the following quotes, for it is in fact my religion, but I just have an opposed opinion when it comes to this war; the stupid war over the persecuted church. It says in the bible that the church will be persecuted like none other. Well, the Jews seem to uphold that they are that most persecuted. (And seriously, who could blame them.) So, the Mormons feels a need to come back and say, "Look at our pioneers!". Even in the most recent of LDS church announcements, one speaker can be quoted saying "...ask the Mormons..." in reference to a Jewish Rabbi asking an acclaimed archaeologist about the temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem. WHY THIS WAR!? Why can't you accept that these are all Gods people? That it makes no difference who they are or what they belong to! Why are the first words to come out of your mouth, "Look at us"? I don't understand how anyone could be that heartless and so without understanding. The point is not to haggle about beliefs, it's to show what has happened to us, why it happened to us...THE POINT IS TO UNDERSTAND that this shouldn't happen again, that this is all mans sin, we were all persecuted in the Holocaust and we were all persecuters! Every group and individual should be coming to the conclusion that at anytime someone could decide you weren't fit to live. This is no badge of honor, even for the people who lived through it. It is a showing of mans iniquity, not Adams, yours. Even in saying this I feel hypocritical. I know there is so much more I could be doing to help those around me. To prove my love for all man, no matter what sect. But the cowardliness of my own heart drives me into the background to mingle with the other foreshadowed values of my person and I am ashamed.

This movie shows the innocence of a boy and the understanding of the pure. All men were created equal and man only cared if he was, not that all should. This film is the song of my faith and my testimony of peace. I only wish that either others can see as I or that in my wrong I can be enlightened.

-Brigitta Rae

The definition of an editor is a person who knows a great deal about very
little and who goes on learning more and more about less and less, until
finally he or she knows practically everything about nothing.

To: Brigitta Rae from Myrna Rae

I enjoyed reading your comments. Grandpa called me and told me that you had watched the DVD and how moved he was. I guess I need to check it out. I am impressed with your writing. You do a good job of getting your thoughts across and making people stop and consider your viewpoint. Love, Grammy

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