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Monday, March 23, 2009

About Waite Break

Myrna wrote: Kirsten, I think Dad had your vacation time wrong in his head. He is up at Shawn's this week until Wednesday. He and Dane and Brigitta drove up this a.m. That means that we will be home all next week so we could enjoy your company. He actually thought that you were coming last Friday and was surprised when we got home from the temple and you were not here. It was then that I figured out that he did not have it right so we can spend all of the week with you when you have Spring Break. I hope you haven't made other plans.

Love, M

Kirsten wrote: No, it is this week.  But when he told me about the schedule for this week, we decided to make a trip up to see Anna (in ID) for the first part of the week, then come down to Nephi next weekend when you guys would be around.  So, that's where we are.  We used Friday to play catchup at our house and left late Saturday night.  We'll be here until Frid am.  We'll drive to Am's and stay there for the night and go to the baptism.  We were thinking of taking the kids bowling on campus after the baptism then heading down to Nephi.  If you don't mind, we'd love to stay the night and probably hit sacrament meeting with you then head back for home (so we don't get back too late).  We'll be out again in the summer, so I wasn't too stressed about Dad helping out in Layton this week.  Plus, you still have the great pleasure of taking our kids off our hands for two weeks in May.  ;)

So, sorry for the miscommunication, but we'll see you this weekend.  


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