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Thursday, March 19, 2009

About Bree

I takes about 3 1/2 hours to get to Grand Junction, CO, from Nephi. Dad went down and spent the afternoon. While he was there, Bree had another seizure. When he got home tonight, he tried to call David but the phone was off. He said they both were tired, and since David was staying the night, perhaps they were both napping, but I think the hospital still may have been doing tests. Dad just called David's cell phone and not the room.

Just before Dad left, at 5 p.m., they were getting Bree ready to take her to have an MRI. They told them it would take about and hour before they would do the test. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses the magnetic properties of body tissues to create a detailed image of the brain. It takes about 45 minutes. When it is used for people with seizures, a certain protocol is followed, to be sure that there is a clear image of the areas of the brain where seizures are most likely to begin. 

Earlier they gave her an Electroencephalogram (EEG) to measures electricity in the brain (or brain waves). Electrodes are used to see if there are any seizures and/or any abnormalities that might lead to seizures. The doctors did not find anything wrong when they did that test. But, after that test she had another seizure.

Dad says the first seizure happened when everyone was asleep. Bree was up with Caydin and felt her arm go numb. She went to her mom's room and woke her before the seizure happened. The doctors at the nearby hospital were unable to stop or control the seizures so they sent her via air to St. Mary's hospital in Grand Junction. Dad says they have been keeping her quieted with medicine trying to keep things under control.

So she is in room 318 (or was, the nurse said they might move her) at St. Mary's in Grand Junction, CO.

I know you all love Bree, as I do, and are praying for her. I just worry that this might be some sort of flare up of the cancer she had as a child. I also pray that that is not the cause and that it is something simple. I have a friend at the temple, one of the 60 women I work with, who gets seizures whenever she gets a fever--even a low grade fever. I hope it is just something like that. The women has had this problem since she was a child and is 70 now. It is scary for her family but she just works to keep all fevers controlled.

Enough rambling. I love you all, M

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