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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Myrna wrote: None of you have been to the Trauntvein blog site to see your Dad's happy birthday photos. 

The sister who has us doing temple file names is not well and has now quit working at the temple. She would like all of you to mail the names you have done back to me so that I can turn them into the temple to be put in her file so that her husband can pick them up for her.


Kirsten wrote: Hmmmm...   sneaky how those birthday pictures got snuck in there.  BECAUSE, I was just on the blog Sunday night and did not see them...  silly, me.  I kept checking and had only seen photos Todd posted of Brado potatoe's Eagle ceremony.  Now how did that happen.... (something about a time stamp maybe?)  hahahaha


Siovhan wrote: Grandma had only hit the save post when I was looking through the blog the other night I posted the actual post. But blogger does back-date them to when you first began the post...that's why no one had seen the pictures. 


Myrna wrote: Those photos have been there. Honestly. They have been there for quite some time, stamp or no stamp. Maybe you just did not notice them because they were below the scout photos. Love, M

Amy G wrote: Did you get the 6 names I put in the mail last week?  I did see Leonard’s birthday photos, but didn’t have time to write a comment.  I’ll get on later today.


Myrna wrote: Yes, I did get the temple names. Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness in doing them and in sending them. We also appreciated your dear note. Thanks again. Love, M 

To Siovhan from Myrna: Thank you, Miss Muppet! I guess I need to go back to the site and figure out how to actually post. Right? Or, since I have the best editor (Siovhan) on my side, I can just leave it to you, dear heart, to fix all my errors? Love, M

Todd wrote: Hey all, a little reminder about e-mail etiquette.  When a family e-mail goes out and then comes back to just you, you don’t forward that response back out to everyone.  The party-line conversation is over and it becomes a one-on-one conversation.

Mom, I got two e-mails on this same response.  The subject line is the same on all of them and they become “delete’r” e-mails to me.  I handle roughly 250-300 e-mails per day at work, so when I get home, I am less picky about what I delete without reading. 



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