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Monday, October 20, 2008


Our school gets a full week for fall break (jealous? yeah, i know), so we took a family vacation to southern Cali last week. Here is a pic of the fam (minus Jared) at Sea World San Diego in the 80 degree heat with ponchos on so we wouldn't get soaked by Shamu.
Despite Jared's and my love for the "shows" at Sea World, our girls were much more interested in the rides. So we got to see three shows (Shamu, Dolly the dolphin and Amazing Pets) before we encountered the Waite rebellion and succumbed to eating lunch and riding rides and playing in the playground the rest of the time. We still had fun!!! For more pics of our trip and details (like watching Jared bif it over and over again) go to our blog ( If you've lost your invite, email me and I'll reinvite you.


The Howard Bolton Family said...

Watching Jared biff it is making me giddy with anticipation! ;-)

Amy Trauntvein said...

Cool! Didn't kow you guys went to San Diego. Hope you had fun!
