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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Eugene-ie weenie, meanie, dreamy, steamy, squeemy, phillipine-y...

...and that's where my rhyming game ends.

So I'm not sure the rules of this whole posting thing for a group blog. And as my family, you already know I'm certifiably crazy and given to crazy READER BEWARE.

Here I will post about my cute little apartment here in Eugene. So, for your viewing pleasure, I present: The Crossings Number 406.

This is my faux entertainment center. As you can see I am obviously entertained here with the countless games, my computer/internet, television and dvd player.

My cool foldable couch. Now, lest you think I'm more nuts than I really am by just showing your the underside of my awesome couch i would like to note it folds out into a bed, but also provides storage for my ample collection of (6+)blankets.

This is the long shot from the middle of the living room. From left to right you can see my washer/dryer facilities, my kitchen, my diet coke addiction, my movie/bookshelf and my mail basket.

The left side of my kitchenette (complete with artwork by my brother Ben).

The right/main part of the kitchenette. I own the microwave, griddle and toaster. I'm pretty much my very own Williams Sonoma. Haha.

Here is my cute little table. I bought it off Craigslist. Just the right size for guests (or double dates as my old BYU bishop would say).

My bed area of my room. Posters and all. Note I needed more shelf space for my books. Oh and my bed is affectionately dubbed "the pillow fortress" because there are ... count them ...7 pillows on there.

The closet /laundry space of my room. And my 48 gallon tub with all my shoes...which doesn't close. I think I have a problem.

And my cute little vanity. Usually strewn across it are various makeup products, fragrances, hair products or hair apparatuses (i.e. curling irons, flat iron).

There's a quick and delightful look into my apartment here in Oregon. And well, if you visit, it's unlikely to remain this clean all the time. Just be forewarned. I'm a busy working girl. :)


Amy Trauntvein said...

Cute apartment Siovhan! It was fun to see shere you are living. Hope things are going good for you. Miss you!

JK Waite said...

Glad to see there is no lack of Halloweenness in your abode. I love the season and all things pumpkin! :0) hope Eugene is keeping you cool in all ways!

Myrna said...

Thanks for sharing this apartment tour with us. It is nice seeing the inside of the place where you spend a LITTLE of your time. How about a photo of the outside?
