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Sunday, April 21, 2013

We Hope You Are OK, Gordon.

Myrna wrote: We saw you in the elevator when we were taking Julie's son to the pediatrician. Are you OK?
Gordon Smith wrote: That was our son Kelly.  He has had back problems for several years.  He has had two surgeries in the past, but problems have persisted.  He was going to a pain center.  They had the pain at the lowest it has been for years.  Then he had two accidents on the freeway while coming home from work in Midvale.  They were both during the time of all the freeway construction.  The first one was not so bad, but the second one was pretty serious.  He was stopped for traffic which had been required to stop in front of him.  He looked in his rear view mirror and could see the man coming behind him was looking down at something. That man, who was going at a good rate of speed, did not look up until just before hitting Kelly.  Since that accident Kelly was starting to lose the use of his left leg.  Doctor Gaufin performed surgery on him last Friday.  He fused lumbar vertebra three, four, five, and his sacrum.  He has two rods and eight screws two inches long in his back  now.   He has been in much pain.  However, the pain is getting to be less.  He is also walking better.  We are confident he is going to heal completely.
Thanks for caring.
Lots of love,

Myrna wrote: How awful for him to be in such a bone-jaring accident when he was already suffering. I only hope that the surgery is successful in releaving all of the pain and in repairing all the damage so that he can live to the fullest. It is terrible to be so young and to have to suffer every step.

I don't know if you remember or not, but when I was a teen I fell down a flight of stairs and mangled my spine and hip. I was grateful to walk again. I have had bouts with pain off and on through the years. I am fine now, knock on wood, but I can offer a great deal of sympathy for him.

Tell him that we are hopeful that all will be well for the future. Tell him that we send our love and concern.

We love you all. 

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