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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

These Great Americans Are Soon To Be Gone

LuWayne Walker wrote: From A Military Doctor--This should be required reading in every school and college in our country. This Captain, an Army doctor, deserves a medal himself for putting this together. If you choose not to pass it on, fine, but I think you will want to, after you read it. Myrna, this one is very touching I thought you would like to read it. Lu

Myrna wrote: I cried. My Dad was a WWII vet as were three of my uncles, his brothers and one of his uncles, nearly his age. My mother's father was a WWI vet. My youngest uncle was in Korea. My cousins made it through Viet Nam, Desert Storm, and some have been deployed to these other horror spots that we keep on fighting. My hat is off to all of you for your dedicated service in so many ways. I lived with heros on a daily basis. Some of them were women. My step-mom was a "Rosy the Riveter," an aunt drove a dump truck when there were no men to do the job, and all of my family, along with countless others, shared in the war effort. I am certain that there is a special place in the Hereafter for each man and woman who gave their all.

Guess what your email address comes up as on my spell-checker? Lawmaker. 

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