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Sunday, March 31, 2013

About Easter Plans

Myrna wrote:
Dear AnnMarie: If you and I would plan in advance, Dad and I could come to your place for dinner and would love to do so. Another time, let us know your plans a week before and we would be glad to join in. All we need is an invitation so that we do not intrude.

We have, since Jim and Julie moved from Nephi, alternated Sunday dinner. One week we go to her home and the next we come here. We are actually going there this week. Jim and Julie do not always eat with us on Sundays. It is not always the case that we get together. During the winter, we have gone an entire month without being together (January, for example). There are times when we each do our own thing. Dad and I do like each other and we can have time alone and enjoy each other's company. Who knows how much time we still have together to do that? When that happens, we fix a nice dinner for just us. But you know that Julie worries about us and is concerned that we may be lonely on a holiday. She would rather eat nails than think she was neglecting us. Jim's sister is going to be living with them this summer and sometimes his dad is there. That may mean that, as in the past, we will alter our dinner plans.

We will see you next Saturday for conference and our bi-annual night out. I have no idea who is planning to be there, but I am.

Tell Alyssa to hang in there. It is nice that she lives so close by that she can come for dinner and still have time to study. You are always so busy and your kids are of the age when they are needing to have your home to come to just as you used to have our home to come to. That is the way life cycles.

Eric and Amy are staying at their home also. Amy has to work at 8 p.m. and our church does not let out until 4 p.m. David and Bree are staying home because David is on call. Shawn and Kimberly and family are down south and are planning to stop by and say hello to David on their way back tomorrow.

Monday, Dad and Jim are going to California. They will be back on Thursday. Julie wants me to come over and stay but I am going to be here. I have a lot to get done. Would you like some ever bearing strawberry plants? I have a ton of them.

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