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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

OK, so what I told you all was not true.

When I tried to order from Amazon for each of you, I found out that I could only order three of the DVDs I wanted. It doesn't matter what kind of preferred customer I am. Therefore, Melanie and family, Todd and family, and Kirsten and family will all receive a package from Amazon. The rest of you will receive it from me as part of your package from me. I will buy the DVDs from Costco and mail them to you. What a pain! Oh, well. . .C'est la vie.

As for the book which is included, it had better be hardbound because that is what I paid for. If it is not, let me know. We will send it back for the right one. I am saying this because, last year, it took two tries to get the books hardbound and not softbound. I sent them back twice before they got it right. Blessed are the patient because they will inherit all that's good in the life hereafter. In this life they will just get stubby teeth (from grinding them).

Kimberly wrote: We are at your house Christmas Eve.

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