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Sunday, February 26, 2012

I need your help again.‏

Aunt Viola Smith Wing was anti-Mormon for many, many years. Her daughter, Verna, however, was very active and Weston was a sealer in the Provo Temple for more than 20 years. I  cannot make the funeral. I think Gordon is disappointed in me. I am sending Verna a card with money from all of us. If any of you, in Utah, can make the viewing tonight, please tell Gordon and Roberta that you are there in my behalf. If Deloris is there, tell her hello from me as well. Sorry. Thanks, Mom

Verna (Mrs. Weston) Garrett
795 East 150 North
Provo, Utah  84606

Phone 801-373-4425

Melanie: Love you. Sorry that you had such a tough decision. I would love to have gone, but unfortunately, I would have been late.

Shawn: Sorry. I did not see this until late Friday night.

Myrna: That's why I said: "any of you, in Utah." I knew you would be too late and that it would really have been "Mormon time." ;) Love you!

Melanie: I hope it went really well. I am going to use your story of your life in my young women lesson tomorrow. I was thinking about you all day today. We had Stake Women's Conference and the Stake Relief Society President was telling about average women, who are more than average their families. The story she related was so like your own, that it brought tears to my eyes. I remember hearing one of the church leaders tell from the pulpit the story of their average mother. I was totally offended when he said that most of us had average mothers. I have never felt like you were average. I had to repent, because I realized he said, "most" of the congregation...that meant that some of us had above average mothers. As I was telling my Beehives last week about all the things that we watched you do, I made my 60 year old advisor smile and tear up...she said her mother was just like you...but, much older. :)

Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for teaching me how to cook, sew, clean, and sing.

I love you.

Myrna: You are my amazing woman. I honestly don't think, that if we were both your age, I could begin to keep up with you. I think Heavenly Father knew I needed a daughter just like you to bolster me up, hold my hand, dry my tears and calm me down. But most of all, I think He knew that I needed a good friend and you have always been that. Even when you were a little girl, you were my friend as well as my daughter. I am thankful that you paid me such a tribute. I have wondered so much the past few months if being what I am, and am still becoming, was good enough. I see so many things in my life that I need to repent for and so many days that I would like to live again hoping that I could take my experience back with me and would have the wisdom to do better. Garth, when he was on his death bed, said to me: "Myrn, do you think I have been good enough?" I told him, "You have been an idol of mine all of our lives together. How could you have been better and not have been translated?" I feel that way about you. How could you possibly be better than you are and not be translated? I do love you and admire you. Mom

Melanie Bolton: It's funny...I always have felt that way as well. Am I good enough? Do I do things that matter most? When my children are struggling, I think about the time I spent with them and wonder if I taught love enough, if I taught patience, diligence, perseverance enough. I remember hearing one of the leaders in our Stake remind us that we need to be patient with ourselves as well. I have often said that I was totally amazed that you turned out as well as you did. You had no real righteous father figure in your life, except Uncle Fred and some of your local leaders. There were good fathers who helped you to understand that you wanted a man like our Dad, one devoted to you and to our family. I know first hand how hard it is to make a marriage work. I am grateful that I had parents that prayed me to righteousness. Yes, you did the best you could with what you had. As we age, we get wiser and our decisions about what matters most change. I would have let Siovhan sing as loud as she wanted, the same note over and over and over, if I had known how much I would miss it when she wasn't home. I try to remember these lessons with Mikaela and I think that is why sometimes the older ones think the younger ones are spoiled, because with age comes the reality that not all things matter, some things are completely not worth the fight.

I hope you had an enjoyable day at the Temple. My advisor was just called to be a coordinator. I told her that I would do whatever I can to help her not feel too stressed, because I know what a hard calling that is. She serves all day at the temple, then helps me out on Wednesday nights for activities. I told her that she didn't need to kill herself to always be there, but she said that the activity nights are her favorite part of the of course she was going to come. That reminded me of you. :)

I hope that everything went well with the funeral and that you will be able to attend Kyle's court of honor. What a great legacy for you all to have four Eagle Scout grandsons, and a few more very close.
I love you.
Good night.

Shawn: Sorry, I didn't see the email until late Friday night.

Myrna wrote: I'm sorry also. The funeral was on Saturday morning and the viewing was Friday evening and Saturday a.m. I was hoping that you might get there because you are always so good to do that. I love you, Mom 

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