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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Toni Jackson, cousin, response

Re: Toni Jackson (me), read the bottom one first... just sharing, and wishing it all were not true.....I've cried for hours & hours & know I need to think positive, but that is easier said than done....

This actually IS the clinical trial, at OHSU, for women with metastatic breast cancer whose hormone therapy has quit working & who have never had any chemo. They are only taking 7 women at OHSU & already have 3 others.  I may get rejected due to my kidneys, but if accepted I will have a 'port' surgically implanted in my chest & will go to OHSU every 3 weeks for the rest of my life (a 7 hr. drive roundtrip) or for as long as the chemo works (meaning it is shrinking tumors on my bones).  If it doesn't work, they try a different kind of chemo, but are starting with the "big guns" heavy-duty chemo since I have so many tumors.  It will also make me the 'sickest'.

He said people don't die from having 'bone only' cancer but it usually will spread.  However if the bones don't start mending, there is real danger that my whole body will just break & collapse.  ("Like the framework of a house being full of termites") Every single bone in my back has both holes in them & tumors on them.  Plus my skull, neck, shoulders, hips, pelvis, etc.  People tell me I look wonderful, not visibly 'sick' or anything.... yet. That will change with the chemo.  Guess I should look for a wig.... maybe a purple one!

The doc also said I most likely already DO have cancer elsewhere in my body, it just hasn't been visible on the tests yet : - (.

Sorry to be so grim.... Please keep up the prayers.

We're off to Bend today for the weekend & try for some pool time & fun.  We'll be home Sunday so I can finish my radiation all of next week.

Love & hugs to all, Toni

Sent: 9/22/2011 2:30:29 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Moms News

Hi All,
Mom just called and asked me to email everyone (if you have Craig’s kids email addresses you can pass this along, I didn’t have them) because she is rushing back to Roseburg for her radiation treatment then packing to head out for Bend for the weekend so she didn’t think she would have time to contact everyone. She went to her appt at OHSU and they want to start chemotherapy. She has to finish the radiation first (done next Th.) and then may have a waiting period before she can start chemo, after lots of tests. They are going to be giving her the strongest they have for treatment once every three weeks for the rest of her life, then after 2 treatments they will test again and see if it is working…if not, they will switch to something else. This chemo will make her sick and lose her hair. She may also be participating in a clinical trial, if her kidneys are in good enough shape. That’s about all the details I can remember.

Love you all,

Prayers coming your way . . . and when you are accepted into the trial after the tests, etc., please know I am available to drive you to and from Portland for a treatment if you ever need a driver. 
In fact, I am replying to all in this post so we can put folks on notice for setting up a transportation schedule for those interested, if Craig cannot get away on a particular day. I will be happy to coordinate dates and drivers and also meal schedules and anything else you will need.
Toni, this is your journey and I know there are many of us who are willing to walk along side and help you take the necessary steps .  .but you have to be the one to say yes or no - so those of us who want to help are actually helping and not hindering in any way. Sometimes the hardest thing to ask for is help and support - so now you are relieved of that responsibility as it has been offered! Now all you have to do is call and say what you need.  
From what I hear from a close friend in heavy duty treatment in California she has a bad week after treatment and then it gets better for the next two weeks. . .and then the cycle starts again. She lost her hair after the second treatment and they have loaned her some really cute wigs - she opted for her same blond but I can definitely see you in purple , maybe even a nice shade similar to old vine zinfandel!
I will be mixing up a special batch of my organic ginger sparkle (almost tastes like champagne) to help with the tummy upsets that might occur and get it to you - if you'll send along your schedule once you are established at OHSU I'll make sure you always have some on hand.
Please let me know what else I can help with. Healing blessings and caring love are sent to you . . .
P. S.  Once Toni sends out the word to "organize," If anyone is interested in helping with transportation or food preparation or errand schedules for Toni and Craig give me a call, Stacey McLaughlin @ 541.860.8307, or email and we can start our engines!

Toni: This actually IS the clinical trial, at OHSU, for women with metastatic breast cancer whose hormone therapy has quit working & who have never had any chemo.

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