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Friday, September 23, 2011

Request from Jason Trauntvein

Jason wrote:

dear grandma

i am doing a power point in history at ucas. We were able to choose an ancestor of significant importantce. I chose great grandpa pitts so if you could send me some pics and so cool stories about him that i could tell in class i would apreciate it. You can call me at 801-400-3420 or you can just call the home phone. If you let me know about it that would be great. Excuse the grammar.

Myrna wrote: Your Dad should have an entire CD with photos of Great-Grandpa Pitts. Let me know if you can find it or not. If not, then I will just send one to you.

Jason wrote: my dad has them except they are now on the computer that crashed so i cant get them and he cant find the cds.

Myrna wrote: OK, I will do a new one for you. Are you getting the stories I am sending you?

Jason wrote: I just recently asked my dad about it and he said he actually does have them but they dont have titles but instead they have numbers and thinks like for example; 400 a or 400 b. So if you could give us the cd numbers that would be awesome.

Myrna wrote: The CD is named "4 Folders."

Jason wrote: Hey do you have any pics of great grandpa's business or where he worked because I would love to have some pics for my power point. Thanks.

Myrna wrote: One addition to the information I sent--Elaine and Howard were married in Huntington, UT. Edna and Howard were married in Reno, NV.

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