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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Power Lines and Prayers

The power did not go out yesterday! That is why you are getting this email. I am a man of my word, so if there had been no power yesterday I would not be writing you all right now. Hahahaha. Anyway, the temple dedication sessions were absolutely fantastic! I was so excited, and so very tired, for each and every session. The power of the temple and the blessings that God gives up from it were felt very strongly by the very humble people here in this little city, and by the hard-working missionaries too.

In each session the speakers focused on the importance of the youth staying pure and ready to receive temple blessings, of families taking advantage of the locations of the temples throughout the world, the necessity of making out homes temples, and the powerful affect a temple has on the lives of the people and an entire nation when it is dedicated. I loved little things that the people said throughout the session. For instance, the wife of the 1st Counselor of the Temple Presidency said that she was grateful for her eternal boyfriend and she loves knowing that she is going to have all eternity to continue dating her eternal boyfriend. Cute. President Eyring gave an amazingly inspired talk, unannounced, before the last dedicatory prayer, but I don't even have words to explain how amazing it was. He asked those participating to imagine one person in their family. One person with the which you have a very strong connection. Now, imagine the love and the closeness that you feel for that person. Can you imagine feeling that forever, never having him/her leave you? What are we willing to do to receive such an amazing blessing? And he said to those who have already been sealed: do you remember those feelings? Are you staying true to those covenants you have made?

I did cry a little bit. I felt so much love, peace and tranquility during that time. I was also thinking about how much I love my family and how excited I am to start my own forever family when I get home. I realized that we do need to be ready to make whatever sacrifice necessary to take advantage of such truly miraculous blessings. It seems almost impossible that we could have such joy for eternity! I am willing to do anything to have that. I loved the cultural activity that they had on Saturday night. I love being able to feel the national pride, the unity and love that a whole people generate when they are together as one.

Satan was right behind us all week though here in the zone. We had problems up until Sunday night. My companion and I baptized two more families this week. Finally. One had escaped from me Saturday night during the activity (long story), but I got them Sunday night. SO CRAZY. We also had a lot of our recent converts come to church on both days. Oh....really cool thing. This family that my old comp, Elder Alston baptized, has two sons that hadn't gotten baptized due to their own decisions. One came to our District meeting on Tuesday morning and sat right behind me. He didn't say anything after I greeted him, he simply sat there. Then, he walked out. The Spirit practically yelled at me, "There is a man here who came to talk to you. I sent him here. Go talk to him. GO. NOW." I walked out as he was talking to his older sister, both of them standing by the exit. I talked to him for a moment, asked him some simple questions, and then finally asked, "Carlitos, do you want to get baptized?" He looked down at the floor, then up at me and said, "Well, yeah. That's why I came to talk to you, Elder Bolton". The Spirit was so strong it could have hit me in the face. I was overwhelmed. We performed the baptism, and was we were changing to go finish, his dad came! His dad gave me a hige hug and just said, "Thank you for answering my prayers." When we were singing the closing hymn I was all tears. I don't know why, but this particular baptism has made me so very proud. One of the most meaningful of my mission. My comp has the photos...I'll send them next week.

I also feel like I should just express my love for the Savior. He is my one true friend, my big brother who has saved me numerous times from tough and distressing situations. I am grateful that throught his powerful Atonement we can be forgiven for our sins, we can find strength for our weaknesses, we can find comfort for the illnesses, sorrows and troubles we experience in this life. I am also grateful that prayers are answered. I know that my prayers are heard and answered, it may not be in my timing or whatever, but the answers ALWAYS COME. They do. I promise. I love temples. I love my forever family. I love my friends. Yesh. 

Well, have a super duper week. Be better. Love harder. GO TO THE TEMPLE. Have fun. Read your scriptures. Say your prayers. DO FHE. Be good little boys and good little girls.

P.S. Only one day this week did I feel sick. Getting better. Slowly. Hahaha. ;)

Elder B

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