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Monday, July 11, 2011

Eagle Project for the CJC

As many of you know, my office uses the Children's Justice Center in Provo to help preserve evidence of child victims.  Even though they are not in the county where I work, they are very accommodating by putting child victims as a priority.  They have a forensic medical staff who can give needed physical exams in a compassionate way, they have experts in child interviewing who do our videos of child interviews in decorated rooms, and they have numerous contacts for therapy and other professional services.  I have watched scores of videos (probably nearing 100 over 15 years) of children who were interviewed in their soft rooms.  There is no way for me to repay them for all they have done for the area in which I work.  This is a small way, and we hope others will recognize this wonderful asset in our community whose purpose is to help children of crimes heal.
My son Kyle is helping the CJC for his Eagle project.  His project has 3 parts: (1) collect much needed snacks for the children, (2) a specially arranged tour of the facility to promote community education, and (3) fixing-up the playground
For those of you who can assist, he is having a day of service and has arranged a rare tour of the facility on Friday, July 9 at 5:00, service from 5:30-8:30.  The service involves painting the playground and hopefully replacing the woodchips.  He is accepting cash (to purchase paint and woodchips) any time.  If you have any contacts who could help with donated paint or woodchips, please let us know.

The needed snacks and supplies are:  Small juice boxes, bags or cans; commercial, individually-wrapped nonperishable crackers, cookies, or other snack items; bottled water; non-caffeinated soda; hand sanitizer; facial tissue; napkins; antiseptic wipes (for cleaning toys); and paper towels. Contact us and he will come and collect them from you.
Thank you in advance for your help.  I know this is a very busy time for everyone, but any help is appreciated.  Feel free to forward this to those who are interested in helping the CJC.
AnnMarie Howard

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