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Monday, May 2, 2011

My Letters Are Just Rants

Sometimes I feel as if my letters are simply rants from a crazed Miskitu missionary, but then I go back and read them and they are kinda cool. Props to me! Hahaha. Just joking. My letters are really the only personal expression that I get out on a constant basis to people who actually listen to my ideas and respect them. A lot of people don't actually listen to my ideas and my thoughts, so I tend to keep them to myself.

Now, while my mission has opened my mind to thinking and thinking in a new way, more charitable, more kind, more broad and open, many others are not that open. i know that i am not perfect, seriously, i wouldn't be writing a letter like this if i were, but i also do know that i am doing well in my mission because i apply all that i learn. i feel bad for those that do not. i feel bad for those missionaries here who take advantage of others, who do not restrain their mouths, who are rude, ignorant and speak without knowing what they are really talking about. It is truly quite sad for me to see other missionaries revered and respected for baptizing a ton of people in their missions and they are just rather rude and unkind people.

In my opinion, I would be terribly ashamed if I returned from my mission like some of these missionaries do. I want to go home knowing that I am a better person, a more humble servant, a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have a long way to go, but i am glad that I have like a year left to fix more kinks and iron out some of the ugly wrinkles in my personality. I still have a So wierd.

I am happy right now. I know who I am, I know God's plan, I am following the Spirit. I believe in the Savior Jesus Christ, I'll honor His name. I'll follow His light. His truth I DO proclaim. I love you all and I hope that you have all have a good week. Remember who you are, remember who defines your successes and who you want to respect and revere you.

Elder B

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