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Monday, March 7, 2011

Birthday Bolton

Happy birthday to ME! Wow, I cannot believe that I am 20 years young. I now have two whole decades under my belt.

Greetings to all from the lovely, but very hot León, Nicaragua. I love it here. This is one of the places that the SPaniards developed very well before they were chased out of Nicaragua by the natives. It is very historical and the people tend to be a little bit more educated than most of the other people in Nicaragua. It has a hint of Boston to it, maybe that's why I love it.

This week I ended up not baptizing the family I was preparing. It turns out that our investigator had been lying to us for a while. She just needs time to sort out her problems and then maybe we might go back and visit her. We had to drop another family as well for other problems, so now my companion and I have to go out and try to find like 3 or 4 families so that we can baptize this month (hopefully) and next month. I really love the families that we are teaching, and this week we were blessed with a miracle family. All we need to do to get them baptized is figure out if the man has already gotten divorced or not. That one is looking rather promising. They are really sweet, they really want to get baptized and know that they need to get baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ.

Today I went to a little fast food restaurant with some really awesome members. They are super humble people and I wanted to reward them for being so wonderful and helping the Lord so much. They served a mission in the Guatemala City temple and left their jobs to do so, and when they got back they didn't get their jobs back. They live off help from their children. I felt the need to reach out and care for such fantastic people who leave everything they have to help out the Kingdom of God.

My companion and I have decided that we are both going to go to medical school. After like 2 years of thinking about what career path I should pursue, I decided to actually apply myself and achieve something. I want to be a pediatrician. Lots of work ahead of me, but I am ready for a challenge. I find challenges helpful now, they help me to stretch and become better, fulfill my potential. My companion is fantastic and he and I get along super well, we also talk all the time. It's kind of funny to look back on my time right before my mission when I was so nervous that I would get companions that I wouldn't know how to talk to, but the Lord knows me and my needs, so He blesses me according to those needs.

I have been keeping a video journal of my weeks here, and when I figure out how to send the videos to you I'll send them your way. They are kind of hilarious and will help you all remember who I am and how I talk, act, etc. 

I hope you all have a good Monday night (FHE, wohoo!!!). I am going to have a HUGE ward-sized Family Home Evening, just a party for my birthday. The Relief Society organized the whole thing, so it should be very interesting. I shall send photos next week.

Love you all. Have a fantastic week!
Elder B

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