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Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly Report

Sometimes I feel as if I have so much to tll you all, but then I sit down at the computer and think, "My week is going to sound so boring to them." Although my life feels like a soap opera compad to some other missionaries I know, I feel like to you it sounds like the same things over and over again.

We had another baptism this week! We baptized a youth in an inactive family. We hope that the family might start going to church now that the children are getting excited about going to church, getting baptized and everything. Although it was crazy trying to find him. He plays baseball and trains duing th days and comes home at strange times in the afternoon. We finally found him the other day and sat down and asked him why he didn' get baptized last week. Long story short, he thought that we were going to get him last week and then we never showed up. Oops.

My comp and I get along so well, although it is interesting working with a white comp again. I keep telling people that I want Latin comps and then I get another gringo. Hahaha. But we have been learning so much working together. Ihave set some goals and right now I'm ahead of the game. I want to read all of PMG, BoM and Jesus the Christ in 12 weeks. It's possible, I just need to work hard to finish it.

I just love being a missionary so much. There are always so many lessons to learn and things to do to grow, become better and serve others. Mom and Dad, I do have to thank you for always pushing me to do servicve projects and work hard. I have been recognized out here as the Elder that serves others becuase I always seek opportunities to serve others. I keep my eyes open to opportunities to teach families by the service that I provide. Service is like a giant entry-way into people's hearts. 

I also want you all to know that I know without a doubt that if we want our families to be blessed, we will read scriptures and pray together EVERY NIGHT. The people thatgo inactive here stopped doing their family prayers and stopped reading the scriptures together every night. SO please keep doing it. We need the blesssings too much to not comply with this commandment (3 Ne. 18: 20).

Well, I love you all and hope that you are doing well at work, at home and at church!
P.S. Mom...i miss the temple soooo much and am SO jealous that you get to go!

Love, Elder B

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