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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Call me at Kirsten's

Myrna wrote: We will be leaving for the great state of Colorado on Saturday. Poor Julie still has more painting to do but they are going to Idaho on Friday. They are getting stone for their fireplaces from the same place that Jim's dad got his.

 I guess you can call me at Kirsten's.

Love, M

NO! Absolutely not! No one may call her here, EVER!!!!! Nor email her at our email address either! No one is to know that she and dad are secretly hiding out, pretending to watch our kids just so she can get out of doing the Mona city council meetings... I mean, really. Mom, you just about blew your cover. What were you thinking?!

Just kidding. Jared and I leave on Thursday, May 7 and are back on Tuesday morning, May 19. So, if you get a panicked call from Mom it's because she is watching two precocious boys under the age of three who have a knack for getting into things and (while she has done this many times before) she doesn't quite know how to handle them along with the big sisters telling her what to do every minute of the day ("That's NOT how my mom does it...), then please answer the phone and lend her much-needed moral support. I won't be answering mine (phone that is). *wink* And I don't want to hear about how anyone of my kiddos was shut up in a box by an older kiddo while we, the parents, were away touring the country...

Seriously, THANK You, Mom and Dad for taking time away from your real lives to come and save mine and play with my kids. Ryan keeps praying that you will be safe (notice, he doesn't pray for his own mom and dad, just grandma and grandpa), and the girls have a count down for your arrival! We love you and hope the roads are smooth and dry for your drive here.

love, Kirsten

Todd wrote: In that case, will you tell Whit NOT to do any of the things I told her I used to do. I mean, we all turned out fine, so I thought "no harm, no foul, let her play the game to."

I am jealous. I would like to go to Hawaii again. Gotta take care of Alaska first. Last state left in the 50/50 quest.

Kirsten wrote: HAHAHAHA!!! "Fine" is questionable... I still have a fear of bathrooms, locked doors, drawers being pushed in with knives....


I'm up for Alaska.. How about next year?!


Todd wrote: Yeah. How you all did all that stuff without me knowing? I thought I used
to pay attention. <grin>

Alaska next year is part of my plan. 20th anniversary. Then there is still the question of the Jamboree.

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