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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Little Scare

I guess I didn't explain well what happened as far as the recall for more views on the mammo. I went last week for my annual mammo. I didn't think anymore about it until Monday afternoon. We went to Provo to the dentist that morning because he wanted to check on my tooth. We also took the old TV up to Siovhan. When I got home, I had the news that I needed to have "more views" because there was an area of concern. I called Amy J because she knows about mammos. She told me not to worry because out of 125 mammos each month, 20 or so are called to come back in. (By the way, I didn't even tell her happy birthday.) However, that was telling a worry wart not to worry. I could not get back in until Friday because they have to have a radiologist present to review the films so you do not have to worry so long after having the second mammo done. However, the first shots were not satisfactory and I had to have another, more specific view taken. I have an area where there is something but it compresses and, therefore, cannot be cancer. I meet with my doctor on Thursday and he will explain what they found and why I don't have to worry. It just looked white to me.

Don't feel unloved. I love you all. Do you want to hear about everything that happens to Dad and I? I think not, you would just be concerned. In fact, when Dad said he was giving me a blessing "for my problem" and that Jim was going to help, I said, "Which problem? My mammo results, my tooth, my hip, my elbow, my shoulder, my lower back?" He said, "I'll just bless you from your head to your toes." And he did.

It is a good plan. Now we just need to do the same for him.

Lots of love, M

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