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Monday, June 19, 2006

The Runnin’ Utes

May, May, May.

What a month. Dane ended his baseball season early. He broke 2 fingers while up to bat. He still made it to 1st base ran to 2nd before someone else got out. He's now sporting a wonderful blue cast with red stripes.

Brigitta ended her 8th grade year. She officially starts high school at the end of the summer. I don't know that any of us are ready for that.

Dane had his Nifty-50 United States class program and Toren has his First Grade Opera. Both did an excellent job. They will finish up 5th and 1st grade at the end of June.

Sorina tells us, "just 1 minute, I'll be right back" quite often. I told her that she doesn't know what 1-minute means. Shawn says that he does. It's exactly 24 minutes. That's how long mom would take it the grocery store when she'd leave you all in the car “for just one minute.”

I know this is short, but we've missed all the deadlines and I've been at Girl's Camp or we've been taking care of sick or injured kids.

Poor Shawn he did his own meals today. He didn’t have such a great Father’s Day. Sorina has been sick-low grade fever, but needing to be held and fed by someone. He made this pudding cake and it was great, so was his chicken and his potatoes, he made them a bit different, so he’ll have to forward those recipes onto you as well. The chicken was the best he’s ever done. Sorina in her sick state ate quite a bit (as long as we put in her mouth—and she even ate quite a bit of the cake, which she never eats, only the frosting). He could be making 4 dishes for our annual Ward Dutch Oven dinner, as I signed him up for 2 and he signed himself up for 2 more. We didn’t communicate very well.

Next month you can look forward to braces, sick kids, sliced thumbs, piano recitals, and Girl's Camp and Father's Day updates...

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