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Saturday, January 21, 2006


Another year to begin all years. Arbree and David spent the New Year in Encinada Mexico. David got to know all my co workers and was the hit of the Party. He wants to quit Charter and come work for me. Ha Ha. I told him I would not give up my free cable and internet.

Erin had her Tonsils out and adniods out on the 12th. They were massive in size and recessed so the doctor came out with a amazed expression on his face and could'nt believe that a girl so tiny had body parts that big. No wonder she was sick all the time.

Donovin has become the true red head of the family we can't decide if it's from my side or the Trauntvein side but its there. He is so smart and has learned that all he has to do is look at mom with those big gray eyes and tear up and I am putty in his hands.

Grandma is doing well and loves babysitting and her job working at home on the computer. Now that we have a much larger home we can all relax and go on our own seperate rampages without violating anyone elses boundries. We all have our own rooms.

Arbree's trying to win a trip to maui hawii and might come real close to doing it. Who knows but god.

We love all the family and look forward to this summer. God bless!!!

The St. George Trauntveins

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