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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Butcher, The Baker, and the Mammograph Taker

Well, Christmas seemed to come and go so fast. I can’t believe that we are into the third week of January already. We missed getting to see all of you for Christmas as half of us decided that was the perfect time to get sick. (Definitely not Jason through.) All he could do was whine about how unfair it was that they were sick and HE had to stay home. HE wasn’t sick, so HE shouldn’t be punished. I was the meanest mom in the world because I insisted that our family would be together on Christmas, so like it or not we would ALL stay home. We did have a nice turkey dinner and watched Polar Express on Christmas Eve, so you don’t need to feel too sorry for him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Knowing that AJ is my last makes me treasure all those little moments more. He tells us, “I don’t want to be a Sunbeam anymore.” He enjoyed nursery so much that he misses it (and, of course, Christopher, at the babysitters and they have a lot of fun together. AJ has thoroughly enjoyed his “soonick” although, to my dismay, he insists that it is “music.” He still has to think about it when he says it, but he won’t let you say it wrong. It makes me kind of sad that he is growing up.

Maddie just benchmarked at level “L” in reading, which means that she is reading early chapter books like Junie B. Jones. She loves school but her teacher says that she likes to let her mind wander and mouth jabber. She has quite a few friends in the neighborhood and is always asking to go play.

David has made a new friend down the street and is always begging to go play. He is so excited to go play that several times he has even been the first to get his homework done which is a first at hour house. YEAH!!! School is going pretty well. Multiplication has been going great! He’s always eager to give hugs and kisses. David is such a fun and living boy that he is fun to have around.

Jason was disappointed that his teacher didn’t benchmark his reading, but because he’s already achieved the highest level that they test for in elementary, she didn’t see the point of testing him. He has been very busy doing various projects for book reports and science. He is a very good student which I truly appreciate. He is also a pretty good helper for mom (when he wants to be). 

Eric and I are pretty much the same. Just plugging away a day at a time. Not too much changes for us except when things change for the kids. You know how it is.

'Till next time, Love ya

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