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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

5 degrees of separation‏

I know I have told a few of you about Sister Michelle Funk, who happens to be related to us. She is serving in our ward and is very dear to my heart. She can touch people in a way that pulls them in and her spirit speaks to theirs. She hasn't  told many members in our ward her story, but I was aware of it.

I will be sad when she goes home. I actually prayed for her not to be transfered this last time, because she has been so successful with one of our struggling young women, that I felt like she needed to stay for a while longer. My prayers were answered for a time. We will see what happens when the next transfers come. The following link is to the KUTV news story from 2-10-06. The older lady is a lady in our ward, who is home bound and the Sisters teach her when she can't make it to church.


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