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Monday, April 18, 2005

I haven't forgotten you!

In answer to your question, Barbara, I am still here.

I think having a husband who has had foot surgery and is bed-bound must be as close to having a new baby in the house as you can get. He is, of course, grown-up about it all but I still have to get up two or three times a night to give him meds and he has to have help to do most everything. We got him a wheelchair on Saturday and that has helped us both. He just had the surgery on Wednesday. He must be off of his foot for at least three weeks, meaning that he can not put any pressure on it at all, so that the bones will grow and heal. It is not much fun for him and I am tired.

I hope all is still going well. Tell Erin that I found her necklace under the edge of the basket of flowers in the blue bedroom when I was dusting. I will send it soon. (Depending on whether I ever get to the post office when it is open.) Tell the little ones that we love them very much.

Take care. 

Love, Myrna

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