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Friday, February 21, 2003

I'm going to live!

On Friday, February 21, 2003 10:05 AM, Myrna Trauntvein <> wrote:
I actually think I am going to make it! I have had a bad past week. I had the good old stomach flu--the kind where you can't leave the bathroom. I missed going to the temple and to church. I was beginning to feel better by Tuesday but I was weak. I'd walk to the top of the stairs and have to sit down. Now I feel fine except when I sit down.

The upshot of my physical was that I have an underactive thyrold, my cholesterol count was 309 (the bad was bad and the good was bad), and I have an 8 degree curve of the upper spine to the right and an 8 degree curve of the lower spine to the left (called an "S" curve) so, yes, I do have scoliosis. However, it looks as though mine was caused by the fall I took down the stairs before I married. (That is good news for my granddaughters.) My bone density has continued to improve and I am now well above the fracture level. When I have the old lady hump on my back it won't be because I don't have good bones it will be because I fell down the stairs and fractured everything.

I now take so much medication that I no longer have to eat--I just take pills (hiatal hernia, thyriod, cholesterol, anti-blood clot, and bones). I get my exercise opening bottles. I should soon be in good shape--pills for food and plenty of exercise!

Lots of love, M

LHT: HIP HIP HURRAY 1,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ECT----------RAN OUT OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leonard Trauntvein

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