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Thursday, February 6, 2003

CBS Morning Show

I was greatly moved by a young soldier's courage this morning. I was watching the CBS Morning news program, something I don't usually do, when they were interviewing two young soldiers in Kuwait. The soldiers were able to talk to family members and see them via the satellite connection. One young soldier was talking to his wife and two small children, the other was able to talk to his two brothers, two sisters, Mom and Dad, and his brother-in-law. The larger family was being broadcast from Tucson, AZ. The young man with the larger family, was asked a few questions, by his Mom and Dad about the food and his training. He then was asked how he felt about the situation. He remarked to his brother that he knew what he was fighting for, and asked his brother if he remembered the story of one of the greatest Captains in history. I immediately thought of Captain Moroni, and thought with a bit of sadness that most of the world does not know about him. This young, brave soldier then surprised me, and I think he surprised Harry Smith, the anchor man, by explaining that the Captain he was talking about was Captain Moroni. And that this young man was fighting for what was important. He said, paraphrasing, ' We are fighting for our freedom, our peace, our wives, our families and our children.' Some of the soldiers seemed to be mocking him, but he continued to teach a little more about Moroni, and then it was time to let the soldiers say good-bye. I was so moved by his diligence, by his love for his family and for his missionary work.


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